Thank You
With the holiday season upon us, there is at least a little bit of celebration and festivities. With that comes, the spirit of the holiday, get togethers and hopefully, some vacation time.
I can only hope that you are having a lovely holiday season, as I am. With the celebrations may come a little bit of reflection. Thanksgiving, being the holiday of thanks, I hope that you have a lot to be thankful for. Though how close I am to those with whom I spend time with varies from person to person, I do wish the best for you all equally. I hope that your life is beautiful, that you have what you want and that you are thankful for it. If we've met, I can only hope that I've enriched your life at least a little bit, at least as a memory to remember fondly.
This past couple of weeks, I was away for the holidays and have intentionally left my phone at home and kept my email communication to a minimum, so that I could focus on celebrating the holiday season a little bit. Now that I'm back, I've returned to answering all inquiries and being available to create wonderful memories together, hopefully one extra thing that you can be thankful for this holiday season.
For all of you who I have spent time with, thank you for choosing to spend time with me and thank you for all that you do for me.
